Mothers’ Union members in branches and deaneries across the Diocese of Manchester are involved in numerous local projects – far too many to list! Examples of some of the projects we run are found in this section.
Most men and women living in homeless hostels receive gifts and cards at Christmas. Some moving into their own accommodation receive “starter packs” with basic kitchen equipment, cleaning materials, etc.
Members work closely with many hospitals – meeting very specific needs. Knitted bonnets for Special Care Baby Units, quilts, tiny gowns for premature babies are just some examples of items knitted and sewn with love. We also supply hospitality bags, for people rushed into hospital without warning.
In many parishes members support the clergy in their work with families – running groups for babies and their carers; organising “pram” services; assisting with baptism and marriage preparation.
Mothers’ Union has supported the Diocese at wedding fairs held at Manchester Central and we plan to develop this, enabling members in each deanery to be involved in fairs at a local level.
The strength of Mothers’ Union lies in individual members with that common aim to “demonstrate the Christian faith in action” – so please consider sharing in its vision.