Away From It All (AFIA) is a Mothers' Union holiday Scheme, funded by Mothers' Union members, to help families or infividuals in need or experiencing stress and difficulties in their lives.
Each diocese decides its own priorities for allocating the funds raised locally. Holiday breaks of a week or a few days may be offered within the UK, dependent on individual needs
Photo from a MASH trip to Crosby
Main Holiday Breaks
The 2018/2019 focus for Manchester Mothers' Union is church families and individuals referred to the AFIA project through their parish clergy. In Manchester referrals to this scheme are only accepted through the clergy of this Diocese.
The deadline for receiving applications is Thursday 10th January 2019.
Other Breaks and Funding
We also welcome general applications for day breaks and trips, transport and entrance fees. Applications for Other Breaks and Funding may be applied for at any time throughout the year.
Further Information and Applications Packs are available from the Mothers' Union Diocesan Secretary, Andrea Walsh.
(Office hours Mon-Thurs 10.00am - 2.00pm)