Virtual Babies

For the last four years, we have loaned three ‘virtual babies’ to schools within the Manchester Diocese. We are very much aware of the high teenage pregnancy rate in Manchester and the babies are used to help pupils develop a sense of responsibility towards pregnancy and childbirth.

In addition we have three babies that are used to demonstrate specific conditions: a fetal alcohol affected baby, one showing the effects of drugs taken in pregnancy and a third which demonstrates the effects on the brain when a baby is shaken. These are also being used in schools which are not involved with the programmable babies.

Studies show that using these resources does not in itself reduce the incidence of teenage pregnancies. However, feedback from students indicates that these young people will make more considered choices in the future. One girl explained that having taken a virtual baby home had not put her off pregnancy but she did now realise that a baby needed two parents and a stable family life.

For enquiries about the loan of babies or for more information, please contact Margaret Shewring at or call 0161 828 1427.


What Our Customers Say

(taken from Life Choice Ltd)

Before these babies were invented there was nothing for young people to compare with being a teen parent. The Babies, plus a six week programme, have really worked and with the support of parents and their feedback, adds to the evidence of the project working effectively.

  • Thank you for this brilliant tool! It gives young people an informed choice and helps them make the right decisions.

    Ann Brown
    Project Worker for the Rawmarsh Baby Project
  • These new models are really lifelike - make noises just like a real baby - incredible!

    Wendy Furniss
    Gleadless Valley Community Forum
  • Our students are really excited about using these Babies.

    Ceris Timms
    Blacon Community Trust
  • Learners really enjoy working with the Babies and they are going to be used as an incentive to carry out work and improve behaviour.

    Caroline Quinney
    City College Coventry
  • We bought the Babies to complete the childcare GCSE programme. The girls were able to implement everything they have learnt.

    Ruth Gotton
    Derby Moor Community School
  • We are using the Babies within a babysitting course for Y10 girls. The students love them and can't wait to get their hands on them. I also believe they will reduce our teenage pregnancy rates.

    Sandra Christopher
    Oldbury Smethwick School Health
  • I believe these Babies give young people informed choices and stimulate learning.

    Stephen Clark
    Academy 360