Welcoming Strangers

We are launching a fund in order to support groups across the Diocese of Manchester who are working with Asylum Seekers and Refugees.

Lots of our churches are already offering help and hospitality in various ways. We would like to be able to give particular help where it is most needed.

Schools are also being encouraged to participate in fundraising events.



Click here to find some of the fundraising events currently planned

Find out more about the first project we are supporting by following this link

Another exciting project which you can support.


How YOU can help:
PRAY - We want to ask for your prayers, not just now, but consistently and for you to help promote this work in our churches and communities
GIVE - We want to build up a fund to help those supporting Refugees and Asylum seekers
TELL - We want to encourage others to help, to give, to be aware of the issues


Go to the DONATE button on the right of this page
for ways you can financially support this work.