
In 83 countries around the world, Mothers' Union is involved in a wide range of community work. Examples range from small-scale poultry keeping, milling projects, cattle rearing, support for people suffering from HIV/AIDS and their carers in mainly developing countries. 


The Family Life Programme in Uganda equips families to fight poverty, sickness and ignorance. In 418 villages over 500 model homes have been established, bringing health and improved living conditions to over 50,000 people across rural Uganda.

Source: Annual Review 2010/11, The Mothers' Union


A Key Stage 2 teaching resource is available, which explores family life in rural Uganda. Children learn about how poverty and lack of resources affect families and how their family life differs from, and has the same concerns as, family life in the UK.  Extension activities give the children the opportunity to have creative ideas on how they would tackle these problems and involve writing activities to connect their community with those in Uganda. Visual resource and worksheets are supplied.  Contact Judith for more info 0161 828 1427.

At the Greenbelt festival in August was a Ugandan "model home" to visit.


Globally up to 6 out of 10 women will experience physical and/or sexual violence in their lifetime.

In DR Congo Provincial President Mugisa has worked for many years with victims and is calling for global action from the worldwide church to support the campaign to stop sexual violence against women in DR Congo.

Source: Annual Review 2010/11, The Mothers' Union 

The Literacy and Development Programme, working in Burundi, Malawi and Sudan, celebrated its 10th birthday in 2010. In that 10 years 72,721 people joined a literacy circle with 53,148 receiving an accreditation certificate. 

It costs £250 to train and support a volunteer faciliator to work within their community - the benefits to that community are beyond price.

Read more about the programme hich is now known as the Literacy and Financial Education Programme. 



“Before I joined the savings group we used to keep money at home but it was eaten by mice which caused conflict in the family. Now there is peace at home and we have a business selling tomatoes. With the extra money we can buy clothes for our children”.

Just one comment as reported in the newsletter of the Anglican Church of Burundi. Read the report here. 

Click here for more examples of the projects Mothers' Union supports across the world.