
As members put their faith into action, through the various activities, everything they do is underpinned by prayer.

Fellowship is strengthened through worship together in branches, deaneries, archdeaconries and in the diocese, and Manchester is always well represented at provincial and national events.

Mid day Prayers

At 12 noon each day members are encouraged to take part in mid-day prayers.  In the course of a year each diocese where Mothers' Union is active is remembered, together with its workers.  This wave of prayer encompasses 83 countries so throughout the day members are praying somewhere in the world.

In addition, each month specific midday prayers are published on the central website, together with other prayer resources.

Wave of Prayer

Mothers’ Union in Manchester Diocese is linked with dioceses in Ghana, Tanzania, Democratic Republic of Congo, Nigeria and Papua New Guinea.  Each year from 23-25 April it is the turn of these dioceses to be the focus of this worldwide wave of prayer. During these few days members in each deanery ensure a daily wave of prayer with particular reference to our link dioceses. 

Download Wave of Prayer 2016

Prayer Chains

A Diocesan Prayer Chain links members in each deanery, providing an effective mechanism for those in urgent need of prayer.  In many deaneries there are prayer chains which link members in each branch.  If you would like members to pray for you, a friend or member of your family please contact us on 0161 828 1427 or   Details can be as brief as you wish but be assured that within just a few hours there will be members across the diocese upholding you in their prayers.  

Thursday Prayers

On the second Thursday of each month at 12 noon a short service, led by members, is held in Manchester Cathedral.  This lasts just half an hour -providing an opportunity for quiet reflection and worship.  All are cordially invited and a poster is available to publicise the services.  

Quiet days

Quiet Days are arranged twice a year and are held in the cathedral.  These provide an opportunity to spend a time away from the hustle and bustle of normal routines and to channel one's thoughts on a particular theme.  Refreshing, thought-provoking and with time to reflect, consider and explore one's faith. 

For more details contact   

Indoor Members Prayer Circle

This is composed of about 170 members who are unable to attend branch meetings. Members are kept in touch with Mothers’ Union activities with visits from their Deanery representative who brings news, information and aids to prayer. The commitment of this group is an essential contribution to our work.