We CAN make a difference.
For over 135 years
has defined the Mission of Mothers' Union.
Watch out in Policy Watch each month for the "what can I do?" symbol - simple ideas for getting involved in social policy
Mothers' Union, with a number of other organisations, is supporting the 'Valuing Maternity' Campaign.
It is calling for:
■ Job security for all women during pregnancy and maternity
■ Maternity and parental leave that promotes real equality
■ Services to support a safe and healthy pregnancy
Visit the website to find out more.
In 2010 Mothers' Union, believing that children should be valued as children not as consumers, launched a major campaign - Bye Buy Childhood
The campaign aims to empower families to challenge the commercialisation and sexualisation of childhood through positive action.
Shortly afterwards Sarah Teather, Minister for Children, asked Reg Bailey, chief executive of Mothers’ Union, to conduct an independent review of the issue and to make a full report with recommendations.
A petition was delivered to Downing Street - MP support, and the signatures of over 18,500 parents and members showed that Mothers’ Union has a serious message to government about stopping sexualised media aimed at or easily accessed by children.
The Bailey Review, Letting Children be Children made a series of recommendations and the Government has given firm indications of its intention to monitor the response.
Visit the Bye Buy Childhood website for more information, views, ways to be involved - such as the Bye Buy Test, and to obtain resources.
More and more parents are working these days and flexible working is one tool for easing the tension on parents.
All children need emotional and financial support from their parents, and all parents need the opportunities to exercise real choice in bringing up their families.
Flexible working can provide a work pattern to suit both the employer and the worker and parents now legally have the right to request flexible working - asking for changes to the hours and times they work, as well as the place they work from. Employers can refuse requests on legitimate business grounds.
From April 2011 this right was extended to include parents with children up to 17. However, the Coalition Government has, in its Equality Strategy, promised to:
Mothers' Union supports this campaign and would be very interested to hear whether requests for flexible working have been successful.
Please contact
Discussion papers and resources on other topics are available from the Mothers' Union website.
If you are in a group meeting regularly why not use these packs as discussion starters. Available to borrow or to buy - contact Judith 0161 828 1427
Switched on is a resource pack that aims to help people consider together the role and impact of the media on family life. It contains discussion starters, group exercises, information sheets and family challenges, all designed to help people understand more about how they use and might be influenced by the media. The material can be easily adapted for use in schools. Cost £5
Drug awareness for the family. Up to Speed is a resource pack targeted towards groups of parents and other carers. Produced by the Mothers' Union and Hope UK, the pack aims to educate children on the issues surrounding drugs.
Up To Speed draws on the experience of Hope UK and Mothers' Union work with parents, professionals, children and the young. The pack includes information for parents and carers that will help them as their children grow up and face new challenges. Cost £5
We all want a place to belong - somewhere to call [Home] You might have found that place. You might still be looking. A house or a family don't necessarily make home. We yearn for something more a - safe haven, a place of refuge where we can truly be ourselves.
This resource has been put together to inspire and guide you as you explore the concepts of family and home, either as a group or in personal reflection.
Incl DVD, this resource will enable you work through the five topics of home:
a) provision, b) nurture, c) belonging, d) support, and e) refuge. Now FREE