
The Mothers’ Union in the Diocese of Manchester follows Safeguarding guidelines as laid down by the Church of England

“As an organisation concerned with Christian principles and ministry in family life, the nurture and protection of children and vulnerable adults is at the heart of Mothers’ Union. Both individually as members and collectively as an organisation, Mothers’ Union has a duty to protect children and vulnerable adults, doing everything possible to ensure that they are safe when left in Mothers’ Union’s temporary care.” Central Trustees 2016

The Mothers’ Union in the Diocese of Manchester is committed to the safekeeping of children and young people and all those considered to be at risk.

We follow the guidelines and procedures published by the Diocese of Manchester in its document “Safeguarding Children and Adults at Risk" Manchester Diocese Handbook of Policy and Procedures November 2016

Copies of our policies and risk assessment forms which are reviewed annually, can be downloaded from our website or requested from Andrea Walsh 

Guidelines on safeguarding, including volunteering in prisons, can be found on the Mothers Union main website.

For information regarding aspects of Safeguarding contact our safeguarding coordinator, Christine Sharp, , or the Diocesan Safeguarding Officer:

Abbey Clephane-Wilson
tel: 0161 828 1451 mobile: 07436 589606


Policy Statement on Protection of Children and Young People

Policy Statemnet on Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults

Safeguarding Policy Statement 

Risk Assessment Form