
Browsing these pages and The Mothers' Union it is clear how diverse are the projects in which members are involved.  We are all suffering the effects of the current financial climate - but hardest hit are those already living in poverty.  Please help Mothers' Union to continue bringing hope and practical help along with fellowship and prayer.

To make a donation


To make a donation, please send a cheque payable to 'Manchester Diocese Mothers' Union' to:

Andrea Walsh, Secretary
Mothers' Union
3rd Floor
Church House
90 Deansgate
Manchester M3 2GH

If you are a tax payer, you can increase the value of your donation at no extra cost to yourself by making a Gift Aid declaration.

Download a Gift Aid Declaration form here. Send the completed Gift Aid form with your cheque to Andrea Walsh.

Thank you!

You will have helped with:

  • aid following natural disaster
  • holidays for those in need
  • passing on parenting skills
  • supporting campaigns for social justice
  • help for the homeless
  • literacy and numeracy circles
  • and so much more