Bishop Nigel's Gift from Mothers' Union

Published: 04 April 2013

 Bishop Nigel writes,

I am absolutely delighted with the wondeful collection of photos, etc made so handsomely into a book that I shall treasure. It is a marvellous record of my very happy connection with you all in Manchester Diocese MU for just over 10 years. Both Celia and I have rich memories of so many special MU moments - and the pages you have put together will long remind us of not only our personal links and friendship with a lot of MU members at all levels in the Diocese, but also of the hugely impressive range of ministry and support that Manchester MU gives within and beyond church boundaries.
My very warm thanks and appreciation for such a splendid momento, together with prayers from Celia and me that God will long continue to bless and strengthen you all in the task to which he calls you."