Shopping light

Published: 02 September 2011

While millions consume their lives away, millions more die daily of poverty and debt. How can we afford this global inequality?
So let’s rewrite our weekly shopping list for the wellbeing of the world:

Let’s start shopping lighter by:
shopping light of excess,
shopping light of instant demand,
shopping light of commercialisation,
shopping light of environmental waste,
shopping light of non-seasonable produce,
shopping light of bargains at other people’s expense.

Let’s start reducing our greed by:
reducing poverty,
reducing malnutrition,
reducing unfit housing,
reducing unclean water,
reducing unfair trade rules,
reducing employment exploitation.

Between the producer and the consumer
hold the hands of wealth and the heart of greed.
Between governments and nations
hold the hands of economics and business profits.
Yet together we can redistribute our resources
and bring together
the hands of justice and the heart of life.
And that will be money well spent.

Fleur Dorrell – Mothers’ Union

Taken from Faith and Policy Watch, September 2011