Millenium Development Goals

Published: 21 April 2010

Our Social Policy Contact reporting on the 54th UN Commission on the Staus of Women held in New York in April tells us that emphasis was placed on the importance of achieving the Millennium Develpment Goals.  Mothers' Union members were in attendance along with the Anglican Communion, demonstrating how important it is that Christians are involved in lobbying for justice.  Look out for the Beijing Action Pack which can be obtained via e-mail at 


Members should lobby their M.P.'s and ask what they are doing to ensure that the Government is holding to its promises to further the Millenium Develpment Goals - now is a good time to ask, whilst M.P.'s are more in evidence locally during the time leading up to an election.  In case you are unsure what the MDG are, more information to aid your conversation can be had from