Vicar's challenge to Mothers' Union

Published: 19 May 2009

Canon Chris Bracegirdle never thought that the challenge he gave to the Mothers’ Union would be taken seriously. On Mothering Sunday 2008 he welcomed 11 new members and told the Mothers' Union at Christ Church, Heaton that they should look to double that number in 2009.

Chris almost forgot his challenge, but the Mothers' Union didn’t, and so on Mothering Sunday this year, 22 more new members were admitted. Many of the new members are mothers of young children, now ensuring that the MU branch at Christ Church, with around 74 members, represents the widest possible age range.

Chris said “I haven’t needed to issue a similar challenge this time – the Mothers' Union has shown itself more than capable of achieving numerical growth without my help! The MU contributes to many aspects of ministry at Christ Church, notably with baptism services and follow up. This is an excellent example of what can be achieved through personal invitation and I’m confident that the culture of invitation the Mothers' Union has developed will continue to be expressed in Christ Church’s work with young families - one of our top priorities.”