News Archive

333 News Article(s) listed:   

Eileen Chow

I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8.38,39

Published: 25 April 2011

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Would you approve of same-sex couples registering their partnerships in your church?

Your views are important - don't leave it to someone else to have your say! The Government has issued a consultation paper on the subject of the Registration of Civil Partnerships on Religious Premises.

Published: 25 April 2011

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May you know the joy of the risen Christ.

Published: 23 April 2011

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20 churches burnt

'Please pray for us' is the message from Hannah Bello, Mothers' Union president of Zaria.

Published: 20 April 2011

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Palm Sunday in Baghdad

Canon Andrew White writes on Facebook about Palm Sunday: Hosanna means two things it is crying out to be saved, it is the call for salvation but it is also the worship and the adoration of the Almighty. Here in Baghdad the message is so real to us.

Published: 17 April 2011

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God does not do waste

"There is very little waste in the Bible. Adam and Eve were not reqired to drag their wheelie bins through Eden....." writes Robert Buckley, chaplain of Salford Archdeaconry.

Published: 16 April 2011

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Can you Get Away From It All?

Do you know someone who is not going on holiday this year but is really in of a break? Maybe someone who has been through a difficult time recently and needs a change of scenery or family bonding time. Someone who may be struggling financially to get away.

Published: 13 April 2011

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The power to make things happen

says worldwide president Rosemary Kempsell

Published: 29 March 2011

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Time is running out

to order a Make a Mother's Day gift. Why not do it now?

Published: 26 March 2011

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Local MP supports Mothers' Union campaign

calling for an end to the exposure of children to sexualised marketing

Published: 16 March 2011

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