The theme for 2018 is “In Mary Sumner’s footsteps".
2018 is a significant year for Mothers’ Union, with our triennial elections and the beginning of global conversations throughout the Provinces to inform our way ahead.
As we look to the future we want to build on our heritage, and in particular, the life and vision of our founder, Mary Sumner.
Mothers' Union Manchester are supporting the Messy Eucharist Event at Manchester Cathedral on Saturday 13th January at 9.30am. We are looking for any volunteers to help with refreshments.
Alternatively if you wish to attend the event with family or your usual messy church congregation, feel free to come along!
Please let the MU office know asap if you are able to help.
Upcoming deadlines as follows for yearly branch and Deanery Forms:
Blue Branch forms 31st January – to be sent to Janet Munro
Green Deanery forms 31st January – to be sent to Janet Munro
Pink Archdeaconry forms 31st January – to be sent to Janet Munro
Branch reports with subs and gift aid forms 16th February – to be sent to the office
Deanery report forms 10th March – to be sent to the office.
Also don’t forget to send into the office asap the member questionnaire for each branch member which was included in the branch packs.
Here is an update of the items requested by each of the Maternity Units at the hospitals MU have a link with in the diocese. Please contact Jenny Murphy for further information.