Mothers' Union provides practical help in DRC

Published: 19 May 2009

In March, the Bishop of Manchester launched a Lent Appeal for the people of North Kivu in the Democratic Republic of Congo, with which the Mother's Union has links.

Bishop Enoch Kayeeye, accompanied by a Mothers' Union team in North Kivu, visited displaced people in the war zone of Lubero, DRC recently. He reports:

We set ourselves ready to travel a dangerous journey having been warned about the rebel activities on the way. We had been praying to God about the journey and felt assured by God about our safety. The Angel of the Lord would go before us and besides us and it was so. The distance is 120 kilometres away from the Diocesan offices and about 200 kilometres North of Goma. We passed through many road blocks but without any fear. There were acceptance and friendly atmosphere. The vehicle in which we were travelling broke down on the way in the middle of the Congo Jungles. It was a terrifying experience. However, God was with us; there wasn’t any harm on us even during the night. Praise the Lord!

Distribution of Blankets

In the Lubero, Kirumba, Kayna and Kanyabayonga areas, there are about 6000 households of displaced people and returnees. We supplied only a quarter of them. The population is desperate, the government leadership in the areas are anxious and pray to God for special provision and protection and quick end of hostilities from all armed groups.

The implementation of the distribution of the blankets to 1500 households was like a drop of water in the ocean. This exercise was done in the presence of the local government authorities, who also expressed their gratitude to us and Mothers' Union, The needs are overwhelming, but our visit brought much hope and encouragement even when blankets were not enough for everyone.

Please continue to pray for the people in North Kivu.

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