Walk of Witness through Manchester

Published: 01 June 2009

Thirteen churches and hundreds of people from Manchester and Salford walked through Manchester on 25 May for the traditional Manchester Whit Walks. Dating back to 1800, the Manchester Whit Walks mark the birthday of the church - the day when Christians believe God sent a special commandment to spread the faith.

Mothers' Union members carried banners through the city centre streets from three locations gathering at an open-air service outside Manchester town hall. The service was led by the Very Revd Rogers Govender, the Dean of Manchester, with the Bishop of Middleton, The Rt Revd Mark Davies preaching.

The various marches set off all morning with a special procession leaving the Cathedral. Hundreds joined the march. Also in attendance were the Lord Mayor of Manchester, Councillor Alison Firth, and Consort, Andrew Fox; The Mayor of Salford, Councillor Roger Lightup and Deputy Mayoress, Mrs Valarie Fleet.

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