East Africa Famine Appeal

Published: 30 November 2009

The East Africa famine appeal, thanks to the support of many generous Mothers' Union members and branches, individuals and churches, has raised £34,000. And the money is still coming in.

As you'll know, Mothers' Union being a network of local people, all that money has gone direct to Mothers' Union workers in Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya.

They've been taking aid direct to their own neighbours for several months now, about seven months longer than any Western aid agency! (I don't say that to do the others down, but isn't Mothers' Union brilliant?!)

They were also, before the famine got so bad that they asked the international Mothers' Union for Relief Fund help, fundraising locally and doing food collections from churches and Mothers' Unions in the cities and more affluent areas, and taking food and aid to rural villages and poorer, worse hit communities. It really is a joint effort between all of us.

We're still accepting donations, of course, but as Christmas looms and on the other side of it Mothers' Union members are looking ahead to Mothering Sunday, I wanted to write you all an appeal update now.

It has been so humbling and uplifting to sit here in the office with Fiona and see the money coming in! Thank you all for being part of the awareness, the prayers, the giving and the caring - it is really amazing what Mothers' Union can do.

God bless you, great to be part of this with you!

Grace Cowley, the fundraising girl at Mary Sumner House

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