News Archive

326 News Article(s) listed:   
Mothers' Union making grass roots level impact

Mothers' Union making grass roots level impact

according to the newsletter of the Anglican Church of Burundi.

Just one quote:
“I have a business selling tomatoes and palm oil at the market. I can now take care of my 11 children, 6 of my own and 5 orphans”.

Published: 05 August 2011

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Bishop Chris, preaching at the diocesan Eucharist, challenged members

Published: 03 August 2011

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Part of something bigger

Part of something bigger

The Summer edition of Cymbal is now being circulated. Members should receive a copy within a few days. If you are not yet a member do have a look online.

Published: 03 August 2011

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Festival singers required!

Would you like to join the Mothers' Union choir for the diocesan festival?

Published: 15 July 2011

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Manchester tops the responses

Manchester tops the responses

The Faith and Policy Unit say a huge thank you to all who took part in the survey about the Government's proposed Civil Partnership Measure.

Published: 17 July 2011

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Latest news of the situation in Kenya, Uganda and Ethiopia

Latest news of the situation in Kenya, Uganda and Ethiopia

Please pray for the members in our link dioceses in Kenya and for Stella and Josephine as they work in this difficult situation.

Published: 14 July 2011

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"Aspire not to have more but to be more." - Oscar Romero

In this materialistic world it becomes easy to replace ‘being’ with ‘having’.

Read the summer edition of Faith and Policy Watch for a reflection on this topic.

Published: 01 July 2011

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Edinburgh welcomes the world

Edinburgh welcomes the world

The Province of Scotland welcomed 1500 on the eve of the General Meeting

Published: 14 June 2011

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What Dads Add

What Dads Add

'It is a weird feeling knowing that you would die for someone, just like that, if you had to. It is raw and powerful but it is lovely building a life with, and for, your kids." Bear Grylls (Chief Scout)

Published: 11 June 2011

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Fulfillling God's Call

Fulfillling God's Call

Members throughout the diocese pray for all who are being ordained, as deacon or priest, this month.

Published: 13 June 2011

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