News Archive

326 News Article(s) listed:   


As Bury Deanery members gathered "in joyful expectation" at their Advent Service, for one branch it was a less joyful occasion.

Published: 27 November 2011

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Elections in DR Congo – people need our prayers

Elections in DR Congo – people need our prayers

Elections take place in the Democratic Republic of Congo on 28 November and human rights groups warn of instability. Bishop Isesomo voiced his great concerns earlier in the year – and called on us to pray for his country, and its fledgling democracy, at this time.

Published: 24 November 2011

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Your opportunity to book for the General Meeting

Your opportunity to book for the General Meeting

Bookings are being taken for the General Meeting in June

Published: 23 November 2011

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Protecting children from porn websites welcomed

Mothers' Union meets the Prime Minister to discuss measures to protect children from the pressures of a consumerist and sexualised culture.

Published: 13 October 2011

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Members of St Andrew Ramsbottom met to give thanks for many years of work, witness and worship.

Published: 08 October 2011

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A busy few days

A busy few days

but ones which members will remember for a long time - the visit of the York Provincial President, Lynne Tembey

Published: 08 October 2011

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Bishops join Mothers' Union

Bishops join Mothers' Union

Bishop Chris and Bishop Mark joined with members in the Cathedral to affirm their support for Mothers' Union, its beliefs and its mission.

Published: 08 October 2011

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2120 bags and gallons of soup!

2120 bags and gallons of soup!

Mothers' Union members say WELCOME to new students in Manchester.

Published: 22 September 2011

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Ian is commissioned

Ian is commissioned

Revd Ian Butterworth was commissioned as Mothers' Union Chaplain to the Rochdale Archdeaconry.

Published: 07 September 2011

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Shopping light

Shopping light

Shopping is now a universal obsession. Yet while millions consume their lives away, millions more die daily of poverty and debt. How can we afford this global inequality?

Published: 02 September 2011

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